Nobody wants to wake up dead, amiright?
One of the most important, yet often overlooked, features of your home are the smoke detectors. These life saving devices are a way to protect your home and your family, and should be tested monthly, to ensure they’re working properly and don’t need replacing. Smoke alarms don’t last forever and should be replaced every 10 years according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. One tell-tale sign they need replacing – what color are they? Typically, by the time a detector is turning yellow, it’s time to replace it.
What should happen if they go off?
Make sure you have a home escape plan in effect so your family knows what to do in case of an emergency. For homes like colonials, a collapsible fire-ladder is a good investment for safely escaping the second or third story.
Installation is just as important as location. According to the National Fire Protection Association, you should place your alarms on a high wall or ceiling. They should be installed in every room where someone sleeps and on every level of your home. A detector in a hallway, just outside bedrooms is a smart location. It’s also not a bad idea to keep a fire extinguisher in your home in case of emergencies, but remember, these also expire, so pay attention to the dates!
If you’re updating your smoke detectors, spend a couple extra bucks and get the smoke/Carbon Monoxide combinations. CO is scentless, and if you’re running a boiler, generator, or other type of combustion engine, there’s always a potential for a CO leak. Be safe, not sorry.