Check out these tips to save money on your energy bill and more! These fixes are usually quick and can be done yourself. If, however, there are any projects where you need a little extra help, we know someone! Give us a call and we’d be happy to refer you to one of our local businesses.
- Increase your home’s R-value. What exactly is an R-value? It measures how heat is maintained inside a home. The more insulated, the higher the R-value. This then translates into heating and cooling savings! Many older homes are grossly under-insulated. Consider having an energy audit to find out where your cold spots are.
- Clean out your furnace filter. This quick and easy fix will keep your equipment running efficiently which translates into savings. There are monthly subscription services that will mail you a new one so you don’t have to remember! Have a boiler instead? Get it tuned up annually.
- Fix those small water leaks. Small leaks add up to big costs. When we see a dripping faucet we often don’t think too much of it. “I’ll get to that soon”… sound familiar? That leaky faucet is dripping dollars down your drain if you’re on city water.. If you can’t fix it yourself, we know people who can help!
- Have a drafty window? Caulk it. You don’t want to keep your AC running or your heat pumping because of some drafty windows. Get them patched up today! If it’s a bigger problem, get them replaced with more energy efficient models. Consider hanging insulated curtains in the winter, and close shades in the heat of the day to keep your house cooler.
- Mend the cracks in your driveway. Stop those cracks from leading to bigger problems. Erosion, rogue plants, and stubborn roots will deteriorate your pavement quickly.
- Vacuum the lint from the dryer vent. This will keep the machine running more efficiently. Vacuum where it vents outside, in the line if you can, and in the dryer where your lint screen is. Dryer vents are the leading cause of home fires. This is an important item you don’t want to overlook!
- Cover up your AC units. If you can’t take them out in the colder months, wrap them thoroughly to reduce the draft into your home. When it’s time to take them off, don’t forget to clean the filter in the AC unit.
- Remove leaf litter and debris from your gutters. The dreaded gutter cleaning! Don’t let leaves build up in your gutters. Before you know it, you’ll have little trees growing in them, and thick layers of humus. Water needs a place to go, and if it can’t get out, it causes bigger problems. Full gutters are heavy, and will break off the house. They can also contribute to ice dams in the winter during freeze-thaw cycles.
If you need a specialist or handyman to address any of these pesky projects for you, never hesitate to reach out. We are here for your real estate needs, beyond just buying and selling.
Talk to you soon!