From dirt particles in the air to mold and mildew, there are plenty of culprits for air quality issues inside the home. They’re especially problematic if you have family members with allergies or asthma. You can get natural indoor air purifiers in different plant species. We’ve compiled a list of the top indoor air plants to help the natural way! When thinking of plants to bring into your home, you’ll want to remember plants with larger leaves purify quicker and plants with many leaves take up more surface area to help with the purifying process.
- Snake Plant – These plants are very low maintenance needing little watering and sunlight. They’re easy to care for for the new plant parents out there. Fun fact: this plant is also known as Mother-In-Law’s Tongue.
- Money Plant – This plant does best in bright indirect sunlight. Thought to bring good luck, it’s a beautiful addition to any home.
- English Ivy – These plants are fast growing and take up a lot of surface area to help with air purification. A fan of indirect sunlight, these plants are easy to propagate to make new plants in your home.
- Peace Lily – A fan of partial sunlight, peace lilies are a nice addition to your home. However, if you have pets, please note they are toxic to cats and dogs.
- Aloe – This plant needs lots of sunlight but doesn’t need frequent watering. You can also use the aloe vera gel to help with a sunburn in the summer.
- Spider Plants – Another easily propagated plant, spider plants enjoy bright indirect sunlight.